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"Ugo Boss of Lowlands Green Valley"

Multi. Ch. Jazz Prestige of Lowlands Green Valley
HD : A
Ch. Timeless Twilight's Mystic Touch
HD : B
Ch. Lynmead Love of my Life Amalie Mild Affair
Lynmead so in Love
Double Scotch Gold Wild Free Amalie by Design
Double Scotch Gold Scarlett O'Hara
H'O de Rochas of Lowlands Green Valley - HD A Ch. Egoïste of Lowlands Green Valley
Bogart of Lowlands Green Valley - HD : B
Ch. Charisma of Lowlands Green Valley
HD : A
Ch. Dioressence of Lowlands Green Valley
Ch. Adieu Sagess of Lowlands Green Valley
HD : A
Vanies d'O of Lowlands Green Valley - HD : A

Si Lolita of Lowlands Green Valley

HD : A

Ô Sauvage of Lowlands Green Valley
Multi. Ch. Jazz Prestige of Lowlands Green Valley - HD : A Ch. Timeless Twilight's Mystic Touch
HD : B
H'O de Rochas of Lowlands Green Valley - HD A
Fridens Bambucha - HD : A Ch. Fridens Indelible Impressions
Ch. Fridens Revelation
Opium Black a of Lowlands Green Valley
Nuit d'Iseey of Lowlands Green Valley
HD : A
Ch. Chantique Calvin Klein - HD : A
Ghost Myst of Lowlands Green Valley
HD : A
Jeu d'Amour of Lowlands Green Valley - HD : A Now and Then of The Lovely Bears - HD : A
Estee Lauder du Castel de la ROche aux Fées
HD : A